Read this blog if self help videos are not making any impact on your life.

Unfiltered Aryan
2 min readMay 24, 2021

Hii there my name is Aryan Zaveri and in this blog I talked about the problem I faced after watching self help content and I gave you a method you can follow. Read till the end and see what is that method.

I have been diving into self help, personal development, entrepreneur content from last 2 year. And the problem I faced and I think many of us have faced is even after watching videos of Ali Abdaal, Ranveer Allabadia and personality like them our life don’t change we don’t become productive person we still procrastinate and we still don’t have knowledge of entrepreneurship. If you too are facing the same problem I have found a solution. So stick with me and I will explain you the method.

The method is pretty simple you should make notes of any video that you find knowledgeable, I know its quite time consuming but trust me this works like magic. first I will explain you why this works magic and then I will explain you how to us this method in detail.

Why this works magic

  1. So when you know you have to make notes of a video you will watch it been extra careful and if you missed any important part you can find it.
  2. First you will watch a video when you find it note taking worth you will watch it again so it will be in your mind for longer period.
  3. You can find the notes whenever you want.
  4. Can also write blogs on that topic and also it will improve your writing skill.

Now lets talk about how to use this method.

  1. First watch any video if you find it note talking worthy add it to the playlist and name it “notes” or anything you want.
  2. Then whenever you want to make the notes watch the video again and write the note. (For writing notes i would recommend you to use Notion’s Note Template).
  3. After taking notes transfer that video to another playlist according to the topic the video was made on like productivity, cooking, etc.


Instead of just imputing knowledge from self help videos we should create output by making notes of it.



Unfiltered Aryan

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